Stories of Survival
Modern Age
in the
Sarah Booth-Henry
October 19, 2021
My Breast Cancer Journey
In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Louise McMilan shares her story.
After suffering from limiting self-beliefs and a lack of self-confidence for most of her life, in 2017 Louise was diagnosed with breast cancer.
In this episode she chats about coming out of the other side
with the resolve and desire to help people.
Cancer gave Louise the most valuable lesson of all,
to start living the life she wants now.

Guest Info Show Notes

Louise McMilan

"I love to make a difference to people and seeing them happy! I’m a middle child and love surrounding myself with my family and friends."
Louise worked in HR which gave her the opportunity to meet and
work with a wide variety of people, however, something wasn’t right. Every now and then she would find herself questioning her ability. She lacked confidence and felt like a fraud, and had a constant negative voice in her head telling her that she wasn't good enough for anything, and it impacted her friendships and relationships, not only at work but also in love! She would shut herself off, comfort eat and then blow things out of proportion; resulting in her being in constant tears and spiralling into depression.
After years of continuous cycle and diagnosis of anxiety and depression, Louise realised that she'd lived with limiting self-belief and lack of self-confidence for most of her life. "I really understand the anxieties that arise and stop you from doing what you really want whether this is in your professional or personal life."
But it took her to have the biggest ‘plot twist’ imaginable to make her reflect and view life differently.
In 2017, Louise was diagnosed with breast cancer and after her first chemotherapy session, had to undergo major emergency surgery for appendicitis. "I’ve been through the fire and it’s resolved my desire to help people. It also gave me the most valuable lesson of all – I have to start living the life I want now!!"
And that means being true to herself and doing what makes her happy – helping others to happiness and ultimately enabling them to “Live life more fully”.
Follow Louise at LouiseMcMilan.co.uk:

I'm grateful ...
for the people I meet.
Currently reading:
Empowering Women: A Guide to Loving Yourself, Breaking Rules, and Bringing Good into Your Life
~ Louise Hay
When LOUISE HAY published the first edition of Empowering Women 20 years ago, her hope was to help all women experience and take ownership of their self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, and rightful, powerful place in the world. Today, her words and wisdom ring as true as ever - and in the time of the Women's March, #MeToo, and Time's Up, they may resonate even more deeply with women seeking the best next step on their path.
This updated edition of her groundbreaking work delves insightfully into every aspect of a woman's life, from relationships to health to sexuality to finances. Louise's words hold up for our examination the standards that have traditionally defined and limited women, and they encourage us to consciously shift our internal ground so we can embrace progress in ways both big and small. This book is our invitation to live as fully and freely as we all deserve-and to embody the joyful truth Louise expressed: We are in a period of wonderful evolution now!