Stories of Survival
Modern Age
in the
Sarah Booth-Henry
September 28, 2021
Welcome to Season 3
Welcome to the third season of the
Stories of Survival in the Modern Age podcast.
Join Sarah as she shares her intention for this season, her ‘why behind the why’, and invites you to think about how well you receive a compliment.

Guest Info Show Notes

Sarah Booth-Henry
Sarah Booth-Henry has 30 years plus of well-honed marketing, administrative, media evaluation experience and life skills, with a career that has included being on the US staffs of both Warner Bros. Consumer Products and the National Broadcasting Company, as well as working as a marketing liaison with the BBC, Granada Television and a variety of radio stations in her native England.
In 1998, she relocated to the US, got married, burned out, moved back to the UK, then back stateside again, where she and her husband Brett currently call #OurHilltopHideaway (AKA Los Angeles, California), home.
On her adventures Sarah has learned from some of the best teachers including Jack Canfield, cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series and coauthor of The Success Principles, and is an accredited coach within the Sue Stone Foundation.
Sarah believe that whatever success means for you, her mission is to empower you to embrace all versions of yourself, and to
... be your own definition of amazing.
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