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Stories of Survival

Modern Age

in the

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Sarah Booth-Henry

Having heartfelt, courageous and inspiring conversations;

sharing stories about surviving those everyday things,

the roadblocks that can trip us up and hold us back

from creating a life that we truly love.

What's New

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August 24, 2021

Weight Stigma & Shame

Aaron Flores grappled with weight his entire life.  A registered dietitian nutritionist, he is passionate about helping people make peace with food and develop body-positive behaviors. In this episode we chat about his own struggles, the stigma and shame associated with weight and why the more we try to fit into an ideal, the more we struggle.

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August 17, 2021


Diet Culture &

Body Image


Elizabeth Hall began chronic dieting at just 12 years old, and says it took her 30 years to break the cycle of diet after diet after diet, before figuring out that it was her thought processes that needed addressing rather than her body. In this episode we chat about the culture of dieting, our attitudes towards our bodies, and how we can have more kindness and compassion towards ourselves.

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August 10, 2021





Clare Davis moved internationally twice and experienced a series of personal and family traumas within the space of a few short years. A qualified mental health trainer (and an advocate for emotional fitness) Clare is passionate about healthy leadership, and uses her experiences to work with schools and organisations bringing preventative measures into people’s lives to enhance emotional fitness and address mental health concerns before they escalate and get out of control.

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August 3, 2021


Serving &



In this episode, on-air host Lara Scott shares her passion for helping make a difference in communities, including the preservation (and survival) of 'Old Hollywood', and why being kind – especially to yourself – is so important.

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July 27, 2021


The Power of



Having known what it’s like to feel stressed, ill and overwhelmed, Robyn Harris is passionate about the benefits of being in nature, and holds a safe and nurturing space in which to intuitively and gently inspire others to reconnect with their sense of joy, purpose and love of life.

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July 20, 2021


Burnout and



In this week's episode, multi hyphenate Beverley Jones shares her personal journey of how she travelled from burnout to the life she has today.

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July 13, 2021


Dad, Trophies

& Memories


Following the final of the postponed Orphanage Cup Football Competition – at which Steve Booth presented the inaugural Trevor Booth Memorial Cup – Sarah's been thinking about her father this week. Arriving there at 18-months old, Trevor maintained a lifelong connection with Blackburn Orphanage, now Child Action North West, until his passing at 86; a place that offered him a home and a sense of belonging.

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June 29, 2021



Back Up


In 2014 Jamie McAnsh woke up paralysed, and in this episode he shares his very personal stories of struggles, challenges and successes. Jamie believes that while failure is always an option, not trying is simply not acceptable. His ultimate message is that if you fall you need to adapt, overcome and most of all, get back up.

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June 29, 2021


The Importance

of Community


In this episode Charlott Fagergard talks about her journey from Sweden to Wales, her love for the mountains (including an upcoming trek to Everest Base Camp) and what community means to her.

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Bill A.

June 22, 2021


Rejection &



Nashville-born Bill A. Jones shares his revealing journey of becoming an actor, how he deals with the rejection that comes with his career choice, and how he's able to persevere in the face of a rebuffal. He also unveils the 'creative joy spring' of rediscovering his love of singing.


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June 15, 2021


Daily habits of



In this episode Sarah hands Brett the mic as he shares six daily habits of gratitude; demonstrating how when you’re grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more to be grateful for.


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June 8, 2021


Mind chatter &



Sarah shares what's going on for her this week and what's on her mind... and what's on her mind is chatter and acceptance; acceptance for ourselves and for others.


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June 1, 2021


Laughter is the

best medicine


Stand-up comic April Cowgur shares her journey from Springfield, Illinois – where even as a youngster she knew she wanted to make people laugh – to working at The Second City before moving out to Los Angeles.


A true optimist, she tells us how the comedy community came together to help each other get through the past 12-plus months, the lessons learned, and why laughter really is the best medicine.

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May 25, 2021


Menopause &

taking charge of the transition


Agreeing to come back in season 2, Victoria Jones talks about taking charge of the menopausal transition, and encourages us to start a conversation so we can begin to break the old way of thinking that it has to be something traumatic and negative. For her, hot flashes and brain fog are signs that something is out of balance with the body, and that the earlier we can begin to pay attention to how our body is changing, then we can start to do the work to support it.

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May 11 & 18, 2021


Hair, emotion

and vulnerability


In this two-episode podcast, Paul chats about his belief that hair and emotion are intertwined, how being in the salon chair can leave us feeling exposed, and the vulnerabilities he faced as he shares his own health journey which left him having to learn how to talk properly again and to relearn his craft.

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May 4, 2021


Importance of



Fellow podcaster, and host of “Let’s Be Honest Before We Start Pretending!”, Coach Kelly is passionate about helping people living a life of joy, fulfillment, and impact, and says that meaningful conversations and belly laughs are a must – because life is short, and we get to live fully every single day.

In this episode Kelly chats about self-care, why it’s important and why you don’t need a lot of time or money to make self-care a priority.

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April 27, 2021


Confidence &

why words matter


Once shy and unconfident, in a marriage she calls ‘mundane’ and working a retail job she hated, Kim Wymer was beset with self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs. She suffered from a lifetime of bad habits and suppression until in 2011 she hit rock bottom.In this episode, multi-hyphenate Kim chats about confidence and why the words we speak, matter... especially to ourselves.

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April 20, 2021


Painting, the journey &

infinite possibilities


In this episode Detroit-born, Mark Acetelli chats to me from his Downtown Los Angeles studio about what painting means to him, where his inspiration comes from and the constant guidance from his late mother.


Mark's work seeks to evoke a feeling of the intensely personal introspective journey of life, as he breaks through the internal dialog and connects with the infinite.

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April 6, 2021


All that jazz!



In this week’s episode, I’m joined by a jazz musician based in the North of England.


In ‘all that jazz’, Arthur shares his passion for the genre, how he’s redefining himself and why he feels privileged to have been able to perform via social media during the past year of lockdowns.

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March 30, 2021


Owning your Authority



Agreeing to come back and chat in season 2, Marisa Santoro – the author of Own Your Authority – chats about ‘why this book and why now’, achieving self-love and radiating ‘Shakespearean confidence’.

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March 23, 2021


The journey, and who you become along the way


With over 1.2 million YouTube subscribers and 50 million plus views of his inspirational videos, in this episode Simerjeet chats openly about self-sabotage and his unconventional path to becoming a Motivational Speaker, something which he says has been the most rewarding journey of his life.

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March 17, 2021


Tools to increase confidence, resilience and purpose


Agreeing to come back and chat in season 2, Anne Skinner – the author of The New You – chats about self-acceptance, changing the outcome and gratitude. Three of the tools covered in her book for increasing confidence, resilience and purpose.

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March 9, 2021


Welcome to Season 2



Welcome to the second season of the Stories of Survival in the Modern Age podcast.  As season that very nearly wasn’t.

Join Sarah as she questions where her podcast mojo went, how she found it, and having the grace to  come back.


Sarah shares the story of the two wolves, and invites you to think about how you feed the wolf within.

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© 2023 by Sarah Booth-Henry

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